Aquatic Weeds To Combat Oil Spills

DFossil fuels are the cause and solution for many of the challenges posed by human development. The 1st industrial revolution, in the 19th century, wouldn’t have existed without coal and the 2nd one, in the early 20th century, wouldn’t have evolved without oil. However, these power sources have their own downside—from the soot and smog that polluted the Dickensian London to global warming and the plastic island and oil spills in the seas. While countries and companies work on the development of alternative power sources, in the here and now we need a pragmatic approach to the most immediate damages. Along those lines, oil spills are still one of the most severe environmental disasters as proved by some of the accidents over the last few years. Currently, there are several methods to combat them, such as oil booms, chemical dispensers and sorbents like sawdust. However, nature may provide a different way to tackle the issue—two invasive aquatic ferns, Salvinia molesta and Pistia...